Portable oil-filled radiators are not dangerous. However, there are some things you must remember if you're intending to buy or already own an oil-filled radiator.
Buy the radiator from a dealer who is knowledgeable about the product. You should also ask to see documentation that proves the radiator has been manufactured in accordance with EU requirements. These requirements also apply in Norway.
Never leave a radiator unattended once you've turned it on. That way, you'll quickly notice if the radiator is getting too hot, has started to leak, or has developed another fault. Never leave the radiator on while you're away or sleeping. Never use an extension lead for a portable oil-filled radiator. This can cause a fire.
Never cover a portable oil-filled radiator with clothes or anything else. You should also make sure the radiator is well away from flammable material. Children can easily knock a radiator over when playing. This means you should be extra careful when young children or animals are in the same room as the radiator.
Never use a radiator that's leaking oil. If you notice that the radiator is leaking, return it to the place where you bought it. When you put the radiator away, make sure it's in the upright position.
Radiators should be replaced every five years. You can return used radiators to any electrical dealer or waste facility.