Shared self-preparedness

It can be challenging to plan self-preparedness for one week. Remember that family members, friends and neighbours can help each other and work together on good solutions.

Collaboration and community are considerable resources in a crisis. Talk to the people around you about what may happen, how you may be affected, and you can get through it together.   

Find your preparedness buddy   

Find out who may need your help, and who may be able to help you. We all have different abilities and knowledge – family members, friends and neighbours can complement each other.    

Below are some examples of things you can help each other with:

  • First aid in case of injury   
  • Care and support   
  • Shelter and overnight accommodation in case of evacuation   
  • Translation and explanation of information provided by authorities   
  • Practical assistance in the use of equipment and tools   
  • Purchases, carrying and transport   
  • Trading or borrowing goods and equipment    
  • Lending/borrowign mobile phones using different networks   
  • Shared cooking  

Volunteer organizations   

Get an overview of volunteer organizations and associations in your community. Volunteers from volunteer organizations and religious/philosophical communities can be incredibly helpful in times of crisis. Get involved in volunteer preparedness.    

Go to (external page) to read more about how to become a volunteer.

Self-preparedness in multi-household living situations  

If you live in a housing cooperative, building association or other type of commonly held property, speak to the board about potentially establishing a shared preparedness stockpile. For example, perhaps drinking water and other supplies can be stored in the basement or other communal area.    

The board will also be responsible for assessing the overall risk to the building in connection with storage of flammable gases and liquids