Man leaving his home carrying a bag and cans of water
Photo: Ivar Kvaal/DSB

Places to stay in a national emergency

Where to seek shelter in an emergency will depend entirely on what has happened. The most important thing is to seek information first, then follow the authorities' advice and guidelines.

Advice on sheltering during emergencies 

  • Make a plan for where you can escape in an emergency, and how you will get there. Maybe you can travel to relatives, friends or a leisure cabin.  
  • In the event of major accidents and catastrophes, the government will establish evacuation sites and centres for families of victims.  
  • The most important things to remember if you have to leave home at short notice are warm clothes/blankets, mobile phone, bank cards and cash, some food and drink, identification papers, medicines and medical aids such as eyeglasses, contact lenses, walkers and hearing aids.  
  • Make sure your car is sufficiently supplied with fuel or electricity if you use a car. Be prepared for the fact that public transport in crisis situations can be chaotic and time-consuming. 

There are many kinds of national emergencies, and the situation can be unpredictable. Therefore, it is not easy to give a definitive answer as to where it is best to shelter when the emergency occurs.  

In many cases, the safest thing to do is to stay at home. If you have followed the advice on self-preparedness, you are already well-prepared to fend for yourself for several days where you live. Read more about self-preparedness for a week.

At other times, it may be necessary to leave home at short notice. Examples of emergency situations that can threaten life and health where you live are: extreme weather, extensive fires or accidents with hazardous chemicals or emissions. 

In the event of acts of war, you may be notified to seek cover. If there are no shelters in your neighbourhood, you should seek shelter in a basement or room in the middle of the building, and avoid windows. Read more about emergency shelters in Norway.

Seek information from the authorities, and follow the advice and guidelines given for places to stay in an emergency situation.  

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